Jim Caviezel

Jim Caviezel Quotes
“A woman in Mexico wanted me to heal her. …

Jim Caviezel Quotes

  1. “Everyone was thinking it was going to be a bust. …
  2. “I know we didn’t make an anti-Semitic film. …
  3. “I still put my pants on the same way. …
  4. My faith doesn’t go over real well in Hollywood.” …
  5. “I don’t know if you could ever prepare for that. …
  6. “opportunity of a lifetime.”
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14 thoughts on “Jim Caviezel

  1. Psalm 81:6 Who made it a decree for Joseph
    when he came out of the land of Egypt.
    I hear a new oracle:

    7 “I relieved their shoulders of the burden;
    their hands put down the basket.

    1981 = Virgin Mary apparition in Bosnia, former Yugoslavia…



    Oracle : You’re cuter than I thought. I can see why she likes you. …

    Oracle : I’d ask you to sit down, but, you’re not going to anyway. And don’t worry about the vase. …

    Oracle : Do you know what that means? [points to a banner] …

    Oracle : OK, now I’m supposed to say, “Hmm, that’s interesting, but… ” then you say…

  3. The request that angels bow down to Adam was mentioned only in the Koran “…And when We said unto the angels: Prostrate yourselves before Adam…I REFUSED

    BECAUSE I WAS CONVINCED…mankind was evil…and i was right….

    you send all of God’s creations into EXTINCTION

    and you abuse the ones G gave you for food

    is man evil?



    the glove fits

    so GOD do not acquit

  4. Satan is a Prosecutor. Jesus is a defense lawyer.

    Madonna says Mankind has good in him Ha Satan (Prosecutor in Hebrew) ….20 year of final judgement…if the higher powers send Wormwood meteor REV 8 to destroy mankind

  5. G is angry my friends…he is slow to anger and abounding in mercy….but Man and wombman are really making him furious…the ecocide especially gets him mad…when u wipe out his beautiful creations/animals/flora/fauna

    Now mankind has the fight of their lives….

  6. the DEVIL can cite scripture (william shakespeare quote) rev 18:5 for her sins are piled up to the sky,and God remembers her crimes.

    REVELATION 18:8 Therefore, her plagues will come in one day,
    pestilence, grief, and famine;
    she will be consumed by fire.
    For mighty is the Lord God who judges her.”

  7. Why couldn’t they Snake? They did it on film! u don’t have faith in the Film Actors Guild?

    British Airways says comments by chief executive Rod Eddington calling Hollywood stars “gutless cowards” for not flying after 11 September were quoted out of context.

    The Daily Mirror report quoted Mr Eddington as saying: “They want everyone to see their movies and think how big and brave they are. But at the first sign of trouble they cower under their beds like gutless cowards.”

    They also reported that Mr Eddington singled out actor Bruce Willis, known for his heroic roles in action films, for particular criticism.

    “This is the guy who makes movies in which he’s the hero saving the world. But in real life he’s too scared to fly in a plane,” the Mirror quoted Mr Eddington as saying.

  8. John 8:44 You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out your father’s desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies.

    ManUNkind’s savior is Matt Damon…showered with applause and luxuries while U r hated Yeshua….they don’t heed your prophecy about Satan’s kids….especially the leaders of my children, the Jews…satan’s kids..my children

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